Monday, September 29, 2008

Not a masterpiece - sue me

My quest for a masterpiece is too much effort, and I'm too lazy to go where I wanted to go. On the plus side I took these which are pretty nice colour-wise. Enjoy!

You should know that sooner or later, if you take 10,000,000 shots one will be a masterpiece. Not that this is my plan because there's way more to it in terms of timing, lighting, location etc. I've got the plan it will be pretty amazing when it happens.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


I have decided that I am going to create a masterpiece. I don't know how. I don't know when or with what subject but I refuse to post a picture unless it is the best damn photo in the known (and unknown) universe. Seriously though, it won't be that good but I'll will be pretty sweet nonetheless.

The reason for my inspiration is the website called ONEXPOSURE (one exposure) and it's It's simply amazing. It is a peer reveiwed photo website where uploads my be well, peer-reveiwed. The idea is to keep the standard high. Ergo I must create a masterpiece that will pass that test, and then I will post it here.

Anywho hope people are doing well. I haven't been writing for a while because I've been lazy/busy/tired and yeah.

So keep on the look out and set your faces to stunned. I've already go an idea it's just a matter of making it happen.

See ya

Friday, September 19, 2008

they're ski boots

K, apparently they're cross country ski boots, just old ones of the variety you'd expect an elementary school to have. Although in this province there is no elementary school. They have primary (K-3) then intermediate (4-7) then highschool (8-12). oh alberta...

weird shoes

Been a while since I posted anything. I've been semi-lazy and photographed just about everything i can think of. whate

I was at Landing Trail Intermediate School taking pictures of the band Rattlesnake Romeo as they played inspirational rock to the kids there for this career/fun day thing called Flying High. Anyway, I saw these shoes. They were strange and had no particular use given their weirdness. You can't really tell with from the picture by the sole stuck out like almost an inch from the toe. I have no idea why they would. Also there were like 30 pairs! I guess I could have asked someone but... whatever.