Thursday, July 7, 2011

Clouds, river, rain, timing

Clouds, river, rain by Andrew de Souza
Clouds, river, rain, a photo by Andrew de Souza on Flickr.

I'll start off by saying I'm going to take interesting pictures every day, damnit! That way I can practice and you (read: nobody) can enjoy.

On to today's picture, we'll talk about timing.

I was driving home after picking up a rental car and noticed the sky was awesome.

From my limited understanding of meteorology, it appeared that there was a front pushing eastward.

Right behind the front was turbulent clouds getting pulled behind it.

It made for some awesome effects, though it was somewhat bland colour-wise.

But this post is about timing. In order to get this shot I had to speed home because the wind was blowing the clouds quite fast.

Then I had to steal a camera from Danielle's office, the take an elevator up 15 floors, run up a flight of stairs before finally grabbing something useful.

While it seems all right, this picture is more about the failure of timing. If I had been faster, I would have got the front approaching the city with the iconic bridge in the foreground.

Instead I got this. Nice? Maybe. But you produce what you plan.

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