Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Drew's Reality Check just got better :)

Andrew has talked me into making my first adventure post to the blog. Please remember that he writes for a living and I do not.

Today we went to book appointments for our first round of vaccines (not going to be cheap) and we went on another trip to Edmonton to go shopping for more adventure stuff. We came home with a Nikon 10-24 F/3.5-4.5 lens, shirts, sleeping bags and other little necessities to add to everything else we previously bought.

Most everything we've got so far is laid out in the picture.

It looks like lots of stuff but knowing how many clothes I own and that's all I get for six months scares me!

Most of what we've bought is designed for backpacking. The shoes are hybrid runners/hikers (amazing I might add), the pants convert to both capris and shorts, jackets have hoods and are water resistant, socks are wool with temperature regulating, moisture managing, odor control features. The shirts are also part wool with water wicking fast drying qualities. I used to buy clothes because they looked cool now there is all sorts of technology I didn't even realize existed.

We've also got most of our other necessities such as first aid kit, ponchos, water bottles, electric convertors, toiletry kits, medicine, locks, sleeping bags, hats......... I could go on with more but I think you should get the picture. It's weird to think of all the things that I've neglected having in my house on my night stand in my cabinents, I've learned to appreciate the convienience of it all as I try to pack all I'll need for six months into a 55L backpack.

Well, that's the first of what will probably turn into many of posts.



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